I love this time of the year and getting ready for the Winter months. I can say that I have found the solution to staying healthy, focused, and energised when the days become shorter, and the weather really cools down. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spring and Summer, but getting prepared for Winter is the challenge I set myself, and I start thinking about this during May.

I haven’t been unwell in years now (touch wood!), and I have Tissue Salts to thank, alongside my plant-based diet and supplements. Tissue Salts are my starting point, and even the other day, my hip started aching, and I put it down to the change in weather plus slowing down on my exercise routine. So out came the Mag Phos, and after a few hours, I was back to myself – pain-free.

Imagine knowing a health regime like Tissue Salts can activate your cells so quickly that they can walk with you throughout your day, steering you towards good health and vitality.

I believe Winter is the season that shows us how healthy our cells are! We need to remember that our cells are our first line of defence, supporting us by protecting against the invaders that move into our body without giving any warning.

Our cells are the portal that determines the state of health of our tissues, organs, and blood flow. They are the internal radar that governs all that we swallow and how well we absorb our nutrition. 

We are only as strong as the strength of our cells.

It is common to have a few sniffles, even a cold, during the cooler months, but it is important to know that you can minimise viral loading in its tracks with Schuessler Tissue Salts. I have found over the years that particularly Ferr Phos & Kali Mur, taken every 30 minutes for up to 6 doses, then every few hours, reduces the severity of the common cold virus. I have clients saying it has taken me a few weeks to shake off a cold. Activating your cells with Tissue Salts from the onset of a viral loading, whether it be a tickle in the throat, sore throat, headache, or weakness in limbs, can all be supported by adding minerals to your health regime.

We all know that an infection is the invasion of unhealthy micro-organisms in the body and the body’s response to that. Once they get past your skin – the first line of defence, they get into your body, your bloodstream, your cells. At this point, your immune system – the second line of defence kicks in and fights back to destroy the pathogens causing infection.

Schuessler Tissue Salts have a way of building your immune system when you are busy with your life. In this busy, modern world, we don’t have time to stop. A good starting point ‘all-rounder’ is Comb 12 to jump-start your cellular health. Comb 12 includes all 12 individual Tissue Salts that your cells need. Stay on this through May and then move to the Tissue Salts you most need, whether it be Mag Phos for your muscles and nerves to be more relaxed, or Nat Phos to continue towards a more alkaline body, or Calc Fluor to assist with varicose veins that can worsen in severity during colder months. Every cell needs Tissue Salts, and this May, find a way to activate your cells so you are better prepared during the winter months. Regenerating and stabilising the cells of the body, provide the defence that is needed to protect the functioning of the body back to energy. Taking the Comb 12 as a multi-mineral formula 4 x per day assists in ensuring the minerals your cells need to build new cells, and support tissues in your body.

My motto is prevention is better than cure. Protect & restore are my keywords, especially at this time when we are being told that we need to be so very careful around this latest viral loading that we don’t know much about except that it spreads so easily.

We need to provide our second line of defence – our immune system with the internal armour it needs to protect us no matter where the invasion comes from. Comb 12 does not interfere with any health regimes followed and suitable for the whole family. Simply chew 1 tablet 4 x per day. If you are lactose intolerant simply make use of the Comb 12 Tissue Salt Spray, 4 sprays 4 x per day.

Also consider Comb T during the cooler months, which is a combination of Ferr Phos and Kali Mur. If you wake up with a fever, sore throat, and low in energy knowing the invasion has made its way to your cells and they have let the attack in – move to Comb T – chew 1 tablet every half hour, for up to 6 – 8 doses and then every 2 hours until you feel better. I always recommend keeping Comb T at home in your First-Aid cabinet as the Ferr Phos & Kali Mur in this unique formula provide your cells with the direct support they need.

Winter wellness and cellular health go hand in hand when it comes to fortifying your immune system and maintaining overall well-being. By prioritising nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, engaging in regular physical activity, getting sufficient sleep, managing stress, and adding Tissue Salts to your health regime, I believe we can nurture our cells, strengthen our immune system, and thrive during the colder months.


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