The start of the year is a great time to start supporting your body’s natural defenses to help keep yourself healthy. This is a time we feel invincible as it’s a new year and we often don’t start thinking about our immunity until 5 months into the year. Your immune system is made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect you.

Your immune system needs to be switched on 24/7 as it includes your bone marrow, which is responsible for producing your immune cells, the job of your lymph nodes is to filter out viruses and your spleen is responsible for detecting damaged red blood cells.

Cells, tissues, and organs

We often blame everyone or everything around us for becoming unwell. However, our first point of call should be to build our internal armor so it has our back every moment of every day. It is time to start respecting your internal armor by nourishing it with the food it needs. Making healthy choices is a great starting point.

Did you know that aging, your immune system and your health are all intertwined? Make everyday a day that you build your immune system as your immune system is defending your body against infection, whilst protecting your cells at the same time. 

Did you know that your immune system keeps a record of every germ it has ever defeated so it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters your body again?

Your gut is your largest immune system organ containing up to 80% of your body’s immune cells. Therefore, it is so important to keep your gut happy and well-nourished if you want to live with a strong immunity in 2025.  Every moment of every day matters and this is why it is a good time to start supporting the key to your health – your immunity…it belongs to you for the rest of your life and what you do today will become the shield to protect you tomorrow, the next day, the next month and thereafter…I often think of the immune system like our petrol gauge in our car…if we do not add petrol to our car it will not start and the similarity here is that without the plant based diet and key herbs along with probiotics your immune system will become weakened and even come to a standstill. 

Some warning signs that your immune system is under attack

  1. High stress levels
  2. You always have a cold
  3. You experience lots of stomach imbalances
  4. Your wounds are slow to heal
  5. You have frequent infections
  6. You always feel tired

My immune system boosters

  • Eating a balanced diet remembering to increase your fruit and vegetables to at least 6 servings per day
  • Ensuring you get at least 6-8 hours sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Take a complete plant-based supplement with pre-biotics and probiotics
  • Add a supplement which includes herbs such as, Astragalus, Shitake, Maitake, Zinc and Olive Leaf, to your regime.
  • Include key Tissue Salts to activate your immune cells.
  • Wash your hands and dry them.
  • Take a potent Vitamin C powder.

I always encourage my clients to assess their immunity at the end of every month and thank it for setting up a platform of protection daily. Our immune system needs to know it is loved daily by setting up a commitment to eating and supplementing well.


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