A few years ago, I made the shift to become a total plant based warrior. I moved all my supplements to match the diet I was following and even my hair and body care was changed to 100% organic. I now call myself an earth warrior as my lifestyle is supporting and in harmony with the earth I live in. I started to look even closer at my daily diet and at the same time, I became hooked on a podcast series, that is part of my daily fix run by Dr Rupy Aujla called The Doctor’s Kitchen. I love all that is part of these daily podcasts even the newsletters that always continue to inspire.

I started to realize for many of us on the go, it is important to have a plan of action to support if you are skipping a meal or two during the week as at times life just gets in the way. I have been travelling lots, and at times, I find it difficult to get my daily fix of BBGS as Dr Rupy Aujla says are essential to your daily diet.

They are:
• Beans & Lentils
• Berries
• Greens
• Seeds & Nuts

Rich in phytochemicals, supporting a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory delivery along with fibre, B vitamins, Magnesium and other rich dense nutrients my body needs to keep a balance from my blood flow to my organs and my skin. I am striving to be in my best health every day of my life. In the last few years, especially when our world changed my focus became targeted towards my gut as my daily energy store. This has ignited my immunity and my mind to stay in absolute rhythm daily.

I am inviting you to also change your focus to igniting your gut as your internal powerhouse that is supported by your plant-based diet and with our soils being deficient in essential nutrients and busy lifestyles it also becomes essential to become more clear on your supplements too. My trinity of Hawaiian Spirulina, Green Omega and Astaxanthin has become my trinity that creates an internal ignition and adds to my very green diet as it is so hard to keep up with the 8-10 fruits and veggies that are needed daily by my body to ensure I have all my bases covered.

 As a vegetarian, I used to try so hard to make sure my iron, B12, and absorption were taken care of, and now I no longer worry as I feel super charged daily. I cannot stress enough that diet is not enough especially if you are not extending your gut microbiome due to sensitivities as food alone will only support you when you are eating the dense nutrition. What happens when you are stressed or not able to find the food that provides the ignition you need. This is why I want to inspire you to have plant based supplements to support your daily life so you can keep your internal garden fertilized.

It isn’t difficult to become a green warrior just become more aware of all that you are eating and add in some plant based supplements. Give yourself 12 weeks and I know you will never look back as your energy and clarity will be part of the new greener you.


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