I just know 2025 will be a great year to navigate yourself back to your best health. January is a time to plan out your year of health. It’s the start of the year, a fresh start, a time to reboot your health and to ask yourself how do I want to feel and look by the end of January.
We need to be grateful that there are 30 or more days in a month giving us the time to navigate ourselves to have the time to reboot ourselves for this new year. Just begin and all will take care of itself … it requires YOU and only YOU.
Why not inspire yourself with small, powerful habits now for a healthier, happier 2025. You may be looking to increase your energy and the best way to move in this direction is by adding more movement in your day. I have started counting my steps and made a commitment to get back into step counting and I am aiming for 10,000 steps a day and so far, I have reached my daily goal.
If you are looking to boost your mood, find more ways to keep busy whether it be clearing out some clutter, starting a DIY project or finding ways to stay busy rather than simply switching on the TV as you have always done without even thinking.
Habits are simply something that is routine to you and that you repeat, often without knowing it or needing effort. This year I am inviting you to focus on setting up some good health habits that become part of your daily routine that will provide you with the infrastructure to ensure 2025 becomes a memorable year of good health for you. All begins with a commitment and the inner determination to simply do the same thing daily for a good 21 days. It is like setting up a programme but this time it is your inner programme so you can move into good health.
What are 3 habits that you would like to give up?
What will it take for you to make change … one step at a time … buy a journal and start writing what you are going to commit to … this will add to your momentum … it needs to stick now in January to become part of the healthier you …
The 25 ways you can step into your best year are:
1. Start moving – how many steps can you commit to for 21 days
2. Add 2 serves of fruit and 2 serves of vegetables for your lunch or dinner that you normally don’t have time to add at least 5 days of the week
3. Ring up a friend and tell them what you are committing to in 2025
4. Drink more water
5. Add Vital All in One to your daily regime
7. Change your skincare range to plant based
8. Change your hair and body care to plant based
9. De-clutter your home and create a new flow as you walk into your home
10. Visit your wardrobe and start clearing the clothing that no longer serves you
12. Respect your gut as it becomes your inner washing machine – all that goes in doesn’t always come out…it lingers on…start becoming mindful of all that you eat
13. Practice mindfulness
14. Ask your neighbour if they need support
15. List 3 things you are grateful for every night
17. Switch off all devices by 8pm
18. Buy a game and play it with a loved one … changes your evening
19. Add a protein smoothie to your regime replacing a snack at 3pm
20. Keep a daily record of your achievements
22. Buy a diary/ journal to record your progress
23. Replace all juices with your own juices that you make from fresh fruit and vegetables
24. Replace rice and potatoes with quinoa or cauliflower rice or broccoli rice
25. Take Tissue Salts to activate your cells at least 4 times per day
Your 2025 belongs to you – how do you want to live in 2025 starts right now!